So, i've had a very eventful weekend. i went away to Roots with the Sally Army and it was very cool. i shall explain, follow me...
We, we being Rachel, Chris, Paul and myself, travelled for 7 hours(!!!) in Rachel's car to get to Southport. By the time we arrived i was gettin slightly stressed because i hate to be late and it was 6 o'clock and we still were'nt registered at our accomodation! urgh! But after all the faffing around we ended up at the BIG Top- which is, as the name suggests, very big. and full of people and we were all worshipping and singing and shouting our praises to God and it was amazing. love that. i love being surrounded by people as far as you can see all worshipping God- it does my heart good, as my mum would say. So, that was Friday, and Saturday and Sunday and Monday were much the same. ( you may be able to decipher at this point that i have realised that informing you of everything will take a very long time so yeah, i'm not doing that anymore) In the mornings we went to see Jeff Lucas lead us in a Bible study which was brilliant. He's a very funny man, which makes it easier to listen but he also has been blessed with a great insight into the Word so i learnt a lot. In the afternoons we went to the fun fair- twice. Well, the second time me and rach left to go home and have a snooze because it was flipping cold!!! There was one thing which i heard that i want to tell you about. on the sunday night, a lady called Danielle Strickland spoke and she was very encouraging. Her message was made of many parts and she said many things which struck my heart, but at most it was this " Humility is believing you are who God says you are". that struck me, personally i think, because i spend so much time trying to pretend that i'm not this or that, for example, that i'm not a natural leader, that i'm not interested in the Bible, that i dont know anything about the Word, pretending that i dont really have an opinion, when i do. a Big one. I just dont want anyone else to think that i'm being arrogant being open about the gifts i have. there are many gifts i dont have and many things i wish i could do that i cant and i spend more time telling people that than being open about what i can do- just in case i offend. i cant be anyone but who i am. and i am not ashamed of who i am. so thats it. i am not longer going to pretend that i dont know anything, that i dont have the ability to lead and that i dont have the gifts that i have so graciously be given. BECAUSE I DO!
oh, ps. about that whole meditating/prayer thing i wrote about before. i'm not doing brilliantly. i have started meditating- not as often i as would like but i forget. i focus on a sanskirt word which means 'that within that' kind of like, which i take to mean God within me- a divine dwelling. i dont think my mother likes it though. She's under the impression that if its not directly Biblical then it could become demonic. i disagree, cos God's God isnt he? And being prostate in prayer- i havent actually tried it yet because i always pray in bed and so by the time i get in bed and then think- oh no, supposed to be on the floor, im just to comfy. i will though- even if only once. i will.