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Where's your heart at?

" The whole point of watchfulness at the door of the heart is that we can choose what we think about. We are not mercilessly victimised by the stream of words, thoughts, images and people that in pours in upon us. In the midst of it all we are free, free to choose. Guarding the door of our hearts may look like something negative but in reality it is wholly postitive, it is total freedom. I am not a slave to my own thoughts or to those of other people;I am not a slave to the television; i can switch it off. I can also switch off the words in my heart, the things my tongue is saying. I can be silent. I am not a slave to this torrent that comes rushing towards me. I can filter it. I can slect. And i am meant to select. We live in a world where we can choose. I can believe in God even if noone else does. I can pray to Jesus at any time, wherever I am, and noone can prevent me from doing so. This is my freedom of religion. God is my master, not all the forces that assail me, trying to make me think as other people think, believe as other people believe, do as other people do."

And God spoke all these words:
"I am the LORD your God, who brought you out of the land of slavery


At 10:50 PM Anonymous said...

Ooh! But I think that can be a negative thing. I agree that we are free to choose what our hearts listen to and what they choose to ignore, but there also comes with that freedom a responsibility to listen to the 'right' things, and to not choose to shut out the things we don't want to hear (or rather feel) because it might be too challenging. I am yet to take that responsibility seriously.

At 10:17 PM Ann said...

I love this quote....thanks for posting it! WoW what freedom :-)


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