...another slams shut behind you!!
When for a meeting today with a guy at SCM Press; a Theological Publishing House in Islington and i have got myself 4 weeks unpaid work experience in editorial and sales. Which is incredible. its such a good opportunity as i want to work in publishing when i finish uni- so hopefully having some work experience (brief but still experience) will help me get a foot in the door.
Well, this sounds wonderful. "Whats the problem?" i hear you cry. Well, i found out when i got home that the work i thought i had at Hadleigh for the other 12 weeks of the holiday to earn some money is no longer avalible. I was misinformed. So now i'm back to the drawing board, with 4 less weeks to earn money in.
I have worked all the summers i've had at uni because i need the money and this year in no exception so i've got to get a move on and find a job. It might be Tesco's for me this summer! Hopefully someone will employ me! please!