"The Salvation Army has become the jack of all trades but the master of none." Discuss
- At 6:10 PM Matthew said...
who the heck quoted that?
i think when we say that we are the jack of all trades that is a truth and a lie together. (if i may start this discussion, if it ever turns into a discussion.) We try to get into everything that we can...of course because there is a world to save, but you're also right in saying that we are the master of none because we go in on the wrong motivations.
Why does it matter if the Salvation Army becomes the jack of all trades? We are, in Keith Green's words, the sleeping giant. We just need to wake up and do something. But, the one thing we cannont let ourselves become is the master of no trades. We need to wake up, step up and do something in our lives.
The Salvation Army has to be MORE than a charity.
The Salvation Army has to be MORE than a church.
If we remain a charity or a church we are doomed and we would be better to be shut down and never talked of again.
We need to be an army of Christ, the fist of God, and be more worried about the souls of people than their physical needs. We need to be more worried about the souls of people than the needs of those in our own church (who are already saved.)
So...what does the Salvation Army need to be? Everywhere...saving souls!
Maybe I misunderstood the quote...but that's my thoughts on it.
-Champ - At 6:46 PM Anonymous said...
It seems we have had a spiritual inferiority complex, so to compensate we have adopted the methods, ideologies, etc. of the churches and let go of our own identity.
As you said in your previous blog, we're not all made to be the same. The Salvation Army was not created by God to look the same as other churches, yet we copy their methods, worldviews and philopophies of ministry without consideration for the identity we have as a movement in Christ.
We are an Army. We are at War. It's not a metaphor. War is our worldview. Fighting is our philosophy of ministry. Let us be 'masters' of the art of Spiritual Warfare, the salvation of souls and the sanctification of saints. THAT is who we are, who we're called to be. - At 8:03 PM Becks said...
i agree with you completely Xander. We try to emmulate the 'theories' that have worked for so many others. we dont push boundaries or search for answers anymore, we just suffice with following the crowd. i dont know, we need to be who we were created to be.