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i have decided that i am lackin spiritual enlightenment. there are so many paths of spirituality and i know and have experienced so few. i wish i could just travel the globe to see and experience everything! i want to KNOW God, not intellectually but in a way of wisdom, so my blood is alive with Him. Always. not a quick fix one week spirituality course. i want to align my character so people cannot see where i end and God begins. i want spiritual depth. i hunger for spiritual depths. i find myself ashamed at how much i judge myself by worldly standards or fail to see opportunities for what they are. i get trapped by the mundane and miss the eternal. i crave to know more but i just dont know where to start. but i have decided upon two disciplines which i am going to master- meditation and prostrate in prayer. i want to experience a light which shines when i dont even realise it. i want to glow eternally.


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