I was reading through my silly quiz thingys again and i thought how odd it is that people (well, me anyway)like to be summed up by someone or something else. We are eager for definition- maybe so we know where to go with our lives or what it is we are meant to do.
I think it was right about me- i am opinionated and intense and that is me and i dont think i would really apoligise for that but i dont want to become someone who most people lean more towards the hate me then love me side! I dont want to become a person that alienates other people in any way. That is and has never been my intention.
I dont want to be defined as that. as much as it may be accurate of some of me, it isnt of all of me. I realise that for all my faults and flaws, i'm 3D and beyond definition. So many of my lecture begin with the words- try and define... and you get in such a muddle. Salvation, antonement, grace, faith, God, love, hope, beauty... all these things that, as Christians, we put our trust in- we cant explain them or define them. they cannot be boxed up and neatly packaged. They cant be made into common sense and logical steps. humans gravitate towards lines and boxes and answers forgetting that the most worthwhile things in life never happen that way. Our minds werent built to understand infinity- but that is what we have been given to deal with. We have to learn to live outside of our definitions; the ones we make for ourselves and the ones we are given. anyway, just a thought.
- At 11:21 PM Anonymous said...
Ooh! Becks, I love that post. Its so true - hard to put into practice, but none-the-less so true.
I love those quiz thingy's too! Guess I like being defined as well.
xxx - At 8:18 PM Anonymous said...
becca i so know what you mean when your saying that we are told to or choose to try and find the deffinition for words that can't seem to be defined... for PE a-level we have to define words such as play, sport and leadership (that last one may well be a blog of mine in the near future!) but they, like your examples, are words that shudn't be defined... play is just play, like believe is just believe. i agree with what you say about trying to fit everything into a nice little neat box by having a nice little definition for everything, i think that is sooo true and soo many of us do it, why is it that it is so hard to simply say this is how it is, and thats it!!
hope your ok and hopefully see you soon???